Adult Discipleship
We are grateful for the support we receive from our parents and adults of our community!
The GROVE is continuously looking to build upon our partnerships with all adults looking to support our young people. From sponsoring meals for youth nights, assisting with fundraising, ministering on youth nights, or giving time for special events/activities, we welcome all to minister to our young people.
If you are interested in getting involved and/or seeking volunteer opportunities, ministry partnerships, please see below. Or if you would like to volunteer for a specific youth night, please contact us!
How can I help?
The GROVE is always open to service through time, talent, or treasure.
Ministering on Friday nights with middle school aged youth
Ministering on Sunday nights with high school aged youth
Assisting with special events/activities, retreats, fundraising
Organize a ministry series
Financially support the Grove for activity supplies, retreat/event scholarships, leadership development
Please feel free to contact us with any questions